What is Sily-M80%?
Sily-M80% is a natural
health product that provides liver protection for optimal liver health. The
product contains the milk thistle seed extract of the flavonoids (silybin,
silydian and silychristin) known as silymarin in 80% concentration.
The name Sily-M80% comes
from Silybum marianum, the botanical name for the plant also known as Milk
Thistle. This product is used to relieve the affections of the liver and the
spleen, calms the pain, it facilitates the intestinal transit by decongesting
the gallbladder. It is used to fight gallstones.
Sily-M80% is used for
several digestive conditions as well as for liver protection. It protects the
liver through its very powerful antioxidant action, allowing the elimination of
free radicals. It is the active ingredients of milk thistle, flavonoids
(silybin, silydianin and silychristin) known as silymarin (Natural Factors Nutritional
Products, 2008) that are used for the therapeutic effects. Sily-M80% is also
used in the renewal of liver cells (Lacoste, 2012). It promotes protein
synthesis to allow damaged liver cells to be replaced by new liver cells
(Natural Factors Nutritional Products, 2008).
What is the advantage of
"Nowadays doctors are
trying to promote the use of plants for treatments to replace toxic remedies.
Using plants over chemical drugs has the advantage of being more natural and
all the molecules of the plant act in harmony with the body. The drugs undergo
chemical purification and contain a single class of molecules. The plant,
instead of having a single and incisive action, reacts slowly and deeply by the
synergy of all the substances that it contains." (Scimeca and Tetau,
Medicines are not without
risks, for this reason, we turned to alternative therapy and made use of
standardized extracts by formulating Sily-M80%.
How to maximize the
therapeutic effect of Sily–M80%?
Administer a mixture of
silybin, one of the flavonoids that make up silymarin, and phosphatidylcholine,
a type of lipid found in bile and lecithin, to maximize the absorption of
silybin (Passeport-Santé, 2011). The active component of
The Active Component of Sily–M80%
Silibum marianum (Milk
The use of standardized
80% silymarin extract was approved in 1989 by Commission E of Germany, as a
treatment for liver poisoning as well as as an adjuvant for people with
hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver. In addition, the World Health Organization
recognized the same uses in 2002 (Passeport-Santé, 2011).
Germany's Commission E, a
committee that includes physicians, pharmacists and herbalists, has approved
silymarin extract with a minimum content of 70% to be effective for the
treatment of toxic liver damage as well as in adjunctive treatment of chronic
inflammatory liver disease and hepatic cirrhosis (Hosein SR and Lyons L, 2002).
In the field of classical
medicine, silymarin is used to prevent and treat various liver disorders:
cirrhosis, hepatitis, gallstones, jaundice (jaundice) as well as damage caused
by toxic substances. Clinicians believe that silymarin helps regenerate damaged
liver tissue and protects it against the effects of natural or synthetic toxins
(Passeport-Santé, 2011).
A study done on workers
who had been exposed to hepatotoxic industrial solvents found milk thistle to
have detoxifying potential. After a 30-day treatment, the workers were able to
observe a significant improvement in their liver function parameters as well as
in their platelets (Szilard and Szentgyorgyi, 1988).
Milk Thistle According to
the monographs of the European Scientific Cooperative for Phytotherapy (ESCOP)
2009, in vitro tests would have made it possible to find several properties of
Milk Thistle. This plant would stabilize cell membranes, improve cholestasis,
has an antifibrotic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect.
In addition, the structure
of flavonoids is similar to cortisone, which generates DNA-dependent RNA
polymerase transcription in the cell nucleus of isolated liver and kidney
cells. This helps regenerate liver function and increases protein synthesis
(Chrubasik, 2013).
According to a clinical
study carried out on 56 patients with type 2 diabetes, the use of standardized
extract of Milk Thistle at the rate of 200 mg, 3 times a day for a period of 3
months, would help to better control blood sugar. There would also be a
decrease in cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood (Huseini, et al.
A team of researchers from
the University of California demonstrated various modes of action of silybin
with hepatoprotective properties. This study was published in the World Journal
of Gastroenterology.
A third study was carried out on 170 patients
with cirrhosis of the liver, 91 of these patients were suffering from
alcoholism. The treatment was a dose of 140 mg of silymarin 3 times a day for a
period of four months. The results obtained were a survival rate of 58% for a
period of 4 years for the patients having obtained the silymarin
supplementation and a rate of only 39% for the same number of years for the
group having obtained the placebo (Ferenci P. et al.1989).
According to clinical
experiments carried out, there has been confirmation of the effect of milk
thistle for the elimination of the symptoms of several liver conditions, acute
and chronic, ranging from viral hepatitis to cirrhosis (Mowrey, 1990).
Researchers from the
American University of Columbia carried out a clinical trial showing that the
use of Milk Thistle makes it possible to limit liver toxicity for patients
undergoing chemotherapy treatments and reduces the risk of therapeutic
abandonment. The active molecule of milk thistle, silymarin, was isolated in
order to measure its effectiveness. Patients took milk thistle, the extract
standardized to 80 mg of silymarin, and others a placebo, during their
chemotherapy treatment. It was observed that 72% of patients taking the placebo
had to reduce the doses of chemotherapy against 61% who took milk thistle
extracts (Ladas et al. 2009).
A recent in vitro study demonstrated the ability of silybin to arrest cell progression in these prostate cancer cell lines, possibly by inhibiting many protein kinases. In this study, the researchers observed that silybin transformed a large proportion of cells that were malignant into normal prostate cells that differentiated (Pro Natl Acad Sci USA, 1999).
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Scimeca, Daniel, Tétau, Max (2005) Votre santé par les plantes: Le guide phyto utile pour toute la famille: C'est naturel, c'est ma santé. Alpen Editions s.a.m. Paris. 135p.
Szilard S, Szentgyorgyi D, Demeter I. Protective effect of Legalon in workers exposed to organic solvents. Acta Med Hung 988; 45(2):249-56
The efficacy of Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. (silymarin) in the treatment of type II diabetes: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial. Huseini HF, Larijani B, et al. Phytother Res 2 06;20;1036-9.
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