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Seren Ingredients

What is Seren?

Seren is a product that has been specially created to provide a safe and effective way to enjoy intellectual well-being for people living in stressful situations and to help them better adapt to everyday situations. This formula also helps promote relaxation for an uninterrupted night's restful sleep.

Our modern lifestyle is a major contributing factor to mental fatigue, sleep disorders (insomnia) and intellectual fatigue is increasingly present. Intellectual fatigue occurs at stressful times when the person is subject to a need to solve a problem and when the brain needs to remain calm, energetic and in good spirits. An overload of mental fatigue can lead to irritability, anxiety, headaches, dizziness, memory loss, depression, insomnia, lack of concentration and dizziness. It is to counter all these symptoms that we created Seren.

What is the advantage of Seren?

The components of SEREN make it a safe product with no side effects for a maximized feeling of well-being. This product also proves to be effective as an antidepressant for individuals in whom either chemically constituted antidepressants do not work, or for whom the side effects of the latter bring too much inconvenience.

Seren is composed of 5-HTP which helps reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines and chronic headaches and relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia. Its second component, lecithin is an essential substance for the proper functioning of the brain, nervous system, cardiovascular system, liver and several other vital organs.

Seren has the ability to relieve symptoms caused by stress without causing side effects such as weight gain, insomnia, nausea, etc. Seren provides mood balance and a weight control effect, helping to maintain a healthy weight.

What are the main effects of taking the Seren product?

The main purposes of the product are to help promote good mood balance, relieve symptoms of fibromyalgia, promote good weight management and help decrease the severity and duration of migraine headaches when it is taken as a preventive measure. It can be used as part of a program that recommends reducing calorie intake and increasing physical activity (where possible) to help with weight management, its contribution is the reduction of cravings carbohydrates/carbohydrates. Seren is also an excellent sleep aid.

Why and when to take Seren?

Disruptions in emotional well-being, including depression and anxiety, have been linked to serotonin imbalances in the brain. People with fibromyalgia often have lower than average blood serotonin levels. 5-HTP supplements can increase serotonin levels in these cases.

The cause of headaches and migraines is related to the abnormal function of serotonin in the blood, 5-HTP can help correct this abnormality. Insomnia has been associated with insufficient tryptophan in brain tissue; 5-HTP can provide a cure for this condition.

Daily intake of 750g of 5-HTP without intentional dieting resulted, after 2 weeks, in a loss of more than 4.4lb (2 kilograms). The use of 5-HTP reduces the consumption of fat and 75% of carbohydrates, the product is therefore to be considered in the case of a desire to maintain a healthy weight.

Daily intake of 750g of 5-HTP without intentional dieting resulted, after 2 weeks, in a loss of more than 4.4lb (2 kilograms). The use of 5-HTP reduces the consumption of fat and 75% of carbohydrates, the product is therefore to be considered in the case of a desire to maintain a healthy weight.

Seren Recommended Dosage

The dosage of the product will depend on your reason for taking Seren

Balance mood: 1 capsule, 3 times daily. Take with food. Use for a minimum of 6 weeks to see beneficial effects. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond one year.

Relief of symptoms of fibromyalgia: 1 capsule, 3 to 4 times daily. Take with food. Use for a minimum of 6 weeks to see beneficial effects. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond one year.

Migraine prophylaxis: 1-2 capsules, 2-3 times daily. Take with food. Use for a minimum of 6 weeks to see beneficial effects. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond one year.

Weight management: 2 to 3 capsules, 3 times a day. Take 30 minutes before a meal. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 6 months.

Sleep aid: 1 to 2 capsules per day. Take 30 to 45 minutes before bedtime. Consult a health care practitioner for use beyond 6 months.

The Cctive Components of Seren


5-HTP may prove to be better than melatonin (sleep hormone). Several clinical studies have shown that 5-HTP has good results in promoting sleep and maintaining a good quality of sleep both for people without sleep disorders, and for individuals suffering from insomnia. 5-HTP is also an effective antidepressant, proven in patients who are unresponsive to standard antidepressants.

A number of small studies have compared the effects of 5-HTP to those of traditional antidepressants. Researchers claimed that "5-HTP has proven to be superior to fluvoxamine (an antidepressant drug) not to mention that 5-HTP avoids many of the side effects of fluvoxamine. This study strongly supports the effectiveness of 5-HTP in as an antidepressant."

In a 6-month trial, 5-HTP was shown to be as effective as the common drug, methysergide, in reducing the intensity and duration of migraine headaches. A significant decrease in the consumption of analgesics was also noted.

The nerve circuits of serotonin promote feelings of well-being, calm, personal security, confidence and concentration, and relaxation. They also help counterbalance the tendency of two other essential neurotransmitters in the brain, dopamine and norepinephrine, preventing the exaggerated effects of over-excitement, fear, anger, etc.


As for lecithin, it is well known for its importance in the body.

In the brain, lecithin is transformed into acetylcholine, a substance vital to the transmission of nerve messages. This function of lecithin ensures a better performance of mental faculties, in particular memory and the ability to think. This function also allows the brain to better control all the other parts of the body, in particular the nerve impulses directed into the muscles.

In the bloodstream, lecithin is involved in the transport of cholesterol and fat. Lecithin prevents cholesterol and fats from depositing in the arteries. This phenomenon is the result of its emulsifying power can even dislodge some of the cholesterol and fats that have become log arteries.

In the liver, lecithin makes it easier to metabolize fat. It contributes in particular, to limiting the risks of liver degeneration by allowing the mobilization of fatty deposits found in this organ.

In the digestive tract, the presence of lecithin ensures better absorption of the following vitamins: A and D, as well as better use of vitamin E and vitamin K.
