What is Karden?
Karden is a natural health
product that provides medium to long-term cardiovascular protection. Its
effects are not immediate or drastic, but slow and lasting. Karden, with its
main component, Crategus monogyna extract 2.2% flavonoids, is unanimously
recognized for its beneficial effects on the heart and circulation in general. Vasodilator,
it acts on the coronary artery, which increases the blood supply to the heart
muscle, therefore its oxygenation, nutrition and activity. Karden has a
diuretic effect, it eliminates fluid retention, thereby lowering hypertension.
High blood pressure cannot be cured, but it can be controlled. This means that
treatments in this case must bring the numbers back to a normal level of 120/80
and below.
Karden increases the
strength of the myocardium, protects the heart, regulates heart rhythm and
protects heart muscle cells from possible damage. Karden also reduces
nervousness and anxiety.
Diagnosing and treating cardiac disorders require a health professional's intervention due to the risks posed by these diseases. Cardiac disorders often
require administering several drugs whose multiple interactions may require
sustained medical monitoring. Blood pressure can fluctuate at any time of the
day, and medication changes should be made under medical supervision. The MAPA
test is very useful for monitoring blood pressure for people with hypertension,
i.e. hypertensives.
What is the advantage of
Karden and why we formulated Karden?
The treatment of
hypertension can include several drugs: "A single pharmacological
principle allows the control of only 25% of treated hypertensives,"
indicates the French Committee for the fight against arterial hypertension in a
guide addressed to professionals; in the same publication, it is specified that
for 50% of patients, it is necessary “the use of three pharmacological classes
in combination to achieve the blood pressure objective."
Why a natural product for
high blood pressure?
Each year 1% to 3% of
hypertensive patients who receive drug treatment develop diabetes. The risk is
higher in those with at least one of the following characteristics: treatment
with a diuretic or a beta-blocker, glucose intolerance (fasting or not),
obesity (especially abdominal), dyslipidemia, sedentary lifestyle and poor diet.
About 50% of hypertensives
under the age of 45 do not take antihypertensives, even if they have multiple
cardiovascular risk factors. This is why self-measurement techniques (outside
the presence of a doctor) are very useful and essential to define the patients
who need to be treated.
How to maximize the
therapeutic effect of Karden?
There are two ways to
monitor and manage your heart health: medication and lifestyle. Medicines can
help control heart disease and high blood pressure but cannot cure them.
A healthy lifestyle can
help keep medication use to a minimum. Adopting a healthy lifestyle reduces the
risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. This includes practicing regular
physical activity, maintaining a healthy weight, managing stress, limiting
alcohol consumption and eating a healthy diet, low in sodium, fat and sugars
and rich in fruits and vegetables.
What are the main effects
of taking the Karden product?
The components of Karden
are Crataegus monogyna extract 2.2% flavonoids, magnesium and hibiscus
Cochrane Database of
Systematic Review has published the results of an analysis of ten clinical
trials involving 855 patients with heart failure. Patients in the clinical
trials suffered from congestive heart failure class I to III.
According to the results,
the extract improved exercise capacity (maximum sustained power) and exercise
tolerance (endurance). The extract lowered blood pressure and heart rate and
improved the heart oxygen consumption index for treated patients. Symptoms of
shortness of breath and excessive fatigue were reduced.
Why and when to take
Karden can be used to treat
mild to moderate congestive heart failure (New York Heart Association Class I
and II) and reduce anxiety. Taking Karden in addition to conventional medical
treatment (diuretics or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACEI) inhibitors)
improves resistance to effort. It relieves certain symptoms associated with
this disease: high blood pressure, shortness of breath, abnormal at the
slightest exertion and fatigue. Karden can be used alone (as monotherapy) in
grade I-II blood pressure. It is important to continue self-monitoring of blood
pressure (as with all therapies for high blood pressure).
Regarding the main
component of Karden, the standardized extract of Caraegus Monogyna, some
experts believe that it is an attractive solution for treating the first 2 stages
of congestive heart failure, particularly in cases where the patient cannot
tolerate synthetic drugs due to certain side effects such as: dry cough,
allergies, kidney failure, etc.)
A large trial (2,600
people followed for 2 years) confirmed that hawthorn extract is safe and does
not interfere with any medication used in conventional treatment. Hawthorn
standardized extracts interact safely and even beneficially with the drugs
below, under strict medical supervision.
Digogxin and other
digitalis derivatives. In a preliminary crossover trial on 8 healthy people,
digoxin was given alone for 10 days, then for 21 days, hawthorn extract was
added to this treatment. Hawthorn extract has been found not to influence
digoxin metabolism.
Karden Recommended Dosage
It is recommended to take
2 capsules 3 times a day, preferably with meals
The Active Components of Karden
Karden contains two active
ingredients: Crataegus monogyna extract, magnesium citrate and a flavour
enhancer, hibiscus sabdarifa which has been the subject of several types of
research for heart disease, especially for high blood pressure.
Cartaegus Monogyna
Most clinical trials have
been carried out on 2 standardized extracts: 18.75% procyanidins and 2.2%
flavonoids. This is the reason why we used the flavonoid extract for our
Over the past 20 years,
several clinical studies have been conducted with over a thousand patients with
heart failure. They demonstrated that standardized extracts of the leaves of
Crataegus mongyna flowers constitute an effective adjuvant treatment for class
I and II congestive heart failure according to the classification of the New
York Heart Association.
Magnesium is a natural
calcium antagonist with the main action of regulating vasomotor tone, blood
pressure and peripheral blood circulation.
Its actions as an
antihypertensive agent against arrhythmia, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant
make magnesium a beneficial element in preventing and treating cardiovascular
A systematic review of
prospective studies on 313,041 people, of which 11,995 had cardiovascular
disease and 10,220 waschemic concluded that higher levels of blood magnesium were
associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Higher dietary
magnesium intakes (up to about 250mg/day) have been associated with a
significantly lower risk of ischemic heart disease.
A 0.2mmol/L increase in
serum magnesium was associated with a 30% lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
Magnesium supplementation can have a favourable effect on glucose,
HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure levels.
Magnesium supplementation may also decrease the risk of diabetes and its impact
on cardiovascular disease.
In another clinical trial,
magnesium supplementation for 8 to 28 weeks (234-937mg/day) for 545
hypertensive participants showed a 2.2mmHg decrease in diastolic blood
pressure. A meta-analysis of 1,173 normal and hypertensive adults concluded
that supplementation for 3-24 weeks decreases systolic pressure by 3-4mmHg and
diastolic pressure by 2-3mmHg.
“History of use and
clinical data undeniably demonstrate the safety of hawthorn and its
effectiveness in improving exercise tolerance. On the other hand, in stages
(III and IV, according to the scale of the New York Heart Association) the use
of hawthorn is not advantageous compared to medication and its effectiveness is
questioned. Thus for the elderly suffering from mild heart failure, which a
doctor follows, the use of a hawthorn extract is an ideal way to choose the
best of both worlds: to treat the disease while avoiding the effects side
effects and interactions with other medications. If, over the years, the insufficiency
worsens, there will always be time to replace the hawthorn extract with a more
powerful drug. But as long as the deficiency is mild, why not take advantage of
a completely safe botanical extract? » Jean-Yves Dionne, BScPharm but 2011
Hibiscus Sabdarifa
Hibiscus sabdariffa contains anthocyanins, a subgroup of the flavonoid family recognized for their beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, inhibition of the inflammatory process and on the production of nitric oxide, capture of free radicals, inhibition of xanthine oxidase , chelation of metal ions. Improved LDL-cholesterol oxidation.
Hibiscus sabdariffa has
been used as a flavor enhancer, although it is not part of the active
ingredients in our formulation, it represents added value for our product.
Hibiscus has antioxidant properties, diuretic antihypertensive and increases
the excretion of uric acid in the urine.
Recent studies suggest
that hibiscus may be effective against metabolic syndrome, particularly in
lowering blood sugar, triglycerides, and total cholesterol.
Hibiscus has also been
shown in studies to effectively lower blood pressure in pre and moderately hypertensive adults. It is believed that anthocyanins (red-colored flavonoids found in the aqueous extract of this plant) one of the main groups
of compounds in this plant, could be the source of production of different
bioactive compounds responsible for anti-inflammatory properties. -plant
Patients treated with hibiscus extract showed increased urinary sodium excretion, with no substantial change and no adverse effects or loss of other urinary electrolytes, including potassium. In some studies, hibiscus has been shown to be as effective as the administration of spironolactone-type aldosterone antagonist diuretics used in some instances of hypertension.
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